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著名教授论坛第357讲:弥散的语境和杂糅的声音(Permeable contexts and hybrid voices)
2018-04-13 11:11     (浏览)

一、主 讲 人:Tom Bartlett (Reader, Cardiff University)

二、时 间:2018年4月19日(周四)10:10-11:30

三、地 点:第九教学楼305讲堂




五、讲座内容简介:In this talkTom Bartlett will explore the notion of 'voice' as a combination of legitimacy and code, the distinctive ways of meaning making that characterise social groups as networks of interaction,and consider what happens when different groups come into contact in novel contexts and illustrate the talk with examples from his fieldwork in Guyana, South America (Bartlett 2012). He will then expand upon these ideas to set up a tentative SFL-inspired framework for tracing the movement from the ad hoc mixing of different voices to the formation of a hybrid voice as a 'new normal'.

六、主讲人简介:Tom Bartlett is a Reader in Language and Communication at Cardiff University, where he has been working since 2007. He specialises in teaching and researching discourse analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistics. He has been Course Director of the MA programme in Applied Linguistics, Director of Research and the Deputy Director of Studies with responsibility for Postgraduate and First Year Undergraduate affairs. Outside academia, he has worked variously as an English language teacher in Scotland, Spain, Costa Rica and the US; a freelance lexicographer in the UK; a consultant on Mayan language/Spanish dictionaries in Mexico; an advisor to the Media Monitoring Unit in Guyana; and as a translator for the UNHCR in Costa Rica. His research brings together Systemic Functional Linguistics, discourse analysis, and social and ethnographic approaches to language study.







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