This talk follows the trains of theoretical foundations of the first talk, namely, EDD, and the suggested pedagogical practices of the second talk, and this talk will elaborate on the language learning processes based on a group of learners, two or more students (ideally three) doing things together. The group dynamic can be treated as an integral unit theoretically, and practically if functions well, can be traced to have causal effects for cognition, event friendship, ethical awareness and mindful compassion. The underlying assumption bases on the concept of co-authorship and inter-subjectivity that acquisition and use are the two sides of the same coin. The previously unquestioned paradigm that there is a language to be acquired first and then to use it in practice and social situations assumes an artificial boundary between the internal and external world, namely mind, body, natural environment and social situations. Such a boundary leads to the study of individually bounded brain, behavior, attitudes, and perception. One common thread of EDD approaches is to soften this boundary between persons and things. As Hutchins put it, “Instead of conceiving the relation between person and environment in terms of moving coded information across a boundary, let us look for processes of entrainment, coordination, and resonance among elements of a systems that includes a person and the person’s surroundings.
By the same token, Chinese language reflecting the ontological inter-dependence, narrative, and processive events of things begs a holistic look at our language teaching and research as contextualized in China. As Roger Ames explains the difference of our orientation of the world in English and Chinese Language: “In the English language, we might say ‘everybody (or everyone), please stand up’ using ‘body’ and a presumed discreteness (‘one”) as indices for ‘person’, thereby reinforcing linguistically an assumption that the‘indivisible’individual is the lowest unit in our social organization…In vernacular Chinese, however, we should say‘dajia qing zhang qi lai‘大家请站起来。Literally,‘big family, please stand up.’In this talk, I will provide a rationale for cultivating event friendship based on resources from EDD’s systemic view points and Confucian thoughts of知之者不如好之者;好之者不如乐之者. By concluding, I will also provide the mutual and extended benefits gained from developing event friendship in cognition, social development.
郑东萍博士,于2006年获得University of Connecticut教育心理学博士。现任University of Hawaii, The Department of Second Language Studies副教授。主要研究应用生态心理学,对话学,分布认知及语言来扩张以人为中心的传统二语习得理论。 具体课题研究包括虚拟游戏空间环境对语言认知的影响,和以移动无限通讯技术为平台的游戏设计对扩展认知与学习空间,以及社会文化参与于认知的潜能的影响。